About me
I am an undergraduate student in Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. I am a transfer student from Bellevue College admitted to University of Washington in June 2023, this is my third quarter at UW.
Finding an answer to a problem using a given dataset is always interesting. Therefore, I am very interested in data science, such as database implementation for data set management and machine learning to read patterns in big data.
I am a Crossfit Coach. Testing your threshold is a way to gauge your potential for improvement. My athletes and I train to increase our resistance to physical fatigue, and we convert the resulting exercise records into data. Based on this data, we plan training that matches the intensity, gradually increasing the boundaries of our mental limits every day.
What i'm Studying
Implementing various LLMs such as N-gram and GPT model based on machine learning/ Deep Learning algorithms in CSE447.
Studying how to use various mathematical/statistical algorithms to create models optimized for given data and build them using programming languages in CSE 446 and CSE493G1
Developing a simple database system (simpleDB) and Studying controling disk I/O and query optimizing in CSE 444.
Web application
Studying how to build a front-end server and back-end server using React and how to reason the code we write in CSE331.
About This Site
A major purpose of this site is to document my learning journey at UW. I included the notes I've taken for each CSE class I've taken in the "Courses" section of this site.
This site is built with template from vCard - Personal portfolio.